Command Line

These instructions cover Mowedline 0.2pre1.

Mowedline consists of two programs, called mowedline and mowedline-client. The mowedline program is the server; it creates and manages the mowedline window. The mowedline-client program is used to send commands to the server to update widgets.

The command line is parsed purely by position. Command line options may have any number of required arguments, but never optional arguments. For this reason, the leading hyphens on the option names are purely stylistic. Mowedline drops any leading hyphens on options, so you can give as many as you want or zero. In other words, mowedline --help does the exact same thing as mowedline -help or mowedline help.

Special Options

These options are available in both server and client.

Client Options

These options are available in mowedline-client and comprise the main interface to controlling a running mowedline server.

Server Options

These options are available in the mowedline server program.

The command line can be used to do limited experimentation with mowedline, via the Server Options. However, after a little experimentation, you will probably want to go on to writing a .mowedline file with your permanent configuration. Server options are evaluated at server startup, just before loading the .mowedline.

Setting Defaults

These options set defaults. They apply to all following widgets (or windows) created on the command line, and in your .mowedline.

Widgets and Windows

These options create widgets and windows. If widget options are given, but no window is explicitly created, one will be created automatically. If no windows have been created by the time the .mowedline is finished loading, a default window with one text-widget, named "default", will be automatically created.